What is Church Corner?
By Philip Hendrickson“Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” Psalm 150: 5-6 ESV
Every Christian drummer gets excited when we hear the words of Psalm 150 verse five. Loud cymbals can praise God! Yes! Let the drummer be heard in the house of the Lord! Now calm down and read verse six. If we don’t stop clashing our loud cymbals, no one will be able to hear everyone else praising God.
What’s the point? Drums belong in church music just like any other instrument. That means we drummers should contribute musically to the worship setting, just like any other instrument. Psalm 150 does not give us a free pass to simply bash away because we think it’s fun. But we have gifts that can lift the musical setting higher than if we are left out. Let every member of the body share the gifts we have received.
Church Corner is a series of articles addressing the unique aspects of drumming within the church and worship setting. Playing in church is not a concert performance; it is leading God’s people in worship and praise. This presents great opportunities and real responsibilities. Let’s play our part, bring the joy of drums and percussion, and give God all the glory. Praise the Lord!
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