Technique Versus Creativity
By Philip HendricksonIn any music, technique is important. To make an instrument speak, a player must learn to control it and draw a wide array of sounds from it. We never stop practicing and learning. However, technique is just a baseline. Particularly in jazz, creativity of expression is the core value.
Many musicians achieve advanced technical facility with their instrument but can only play the notes shown on the page. In jazz, everyone must think like a leader and an arranger, as well as like a sideman. Every player contributes to the musical interpretation in the moment, while reacting simultaneously to what everyone else is doing. This may sound scary or intimidating, but it is great fun!
The greatest feeling comes on the day when you recognize music coming up from inside you, rather than from external forces telling your muscles what physical moves to make. At that point you have transcended notes on a page and are truly contributing new musical creations for the world to enjoy.